The Craft Group meets on the 4th Tuesday of most months from 2 - 4 pm.

Knitted hedgehogs for cancer

Refreshments are served to keep energies up and a lot of nattering is involved. This is a very friendly group that enjoys the fun of making things together.
Members come and bring their knitting, sewing, crochet or whatever they are working on.
When possible we have a tutored activity. This may be anything from dyeing silk scarves, crochet flowers, knitting poppies, a patchwork project, painting, bead jewellery, and card making to making Christmas decorations, etc.
Sometimes we use a professional tutor but more often one of our members demonstrates.
If you would like more information please contact Lesley on 07838375449 or email
WI members are very welcome to just turn up at our next meeting.
If you are not a WI member you will also be most welcome to attend our Group on up to 3 occasions without first joining the WI. So come and join us.
Jewellry making

Knitting bunting

Mask supports

Group quilt

Knitted toys for hall funds