Book Group
Since its inauguration in 2017 our Book Group has gone from strength to strength. We meet to discuss a new book every 2 months in the WI Hall whenever possible. Our sessions are very enjoyable and aim to promote lots of lively debates.

Owing to the practicalities of a group discussion the number of members has had to be limited and there is sometimes a waiting list. Any WI member may apply to have their name added to the waiting list by contacting them.
May 2024 was Judiths' last meeting as leader of the group so no new book or date at the moment. Wait and see what happens at the AGM.
Each book is chosen by the group leader at the moment with valuable help from other members. We choose from a wide variety of authors and from a broad selection of genres, themes and writing styles. Titles and synopses of previous choices can be viewed here.
All WI members now have the opportunity to see reviews left by other members and to comment themselves on any of our books. Also, recommendations for new titles which members may like to read at their leisure can be made here.