WI Diary
Change of time for local evening meetings
14th January Winter Coffee meet 2-4pm
16th January at 2.30. The book Group are reading The Seamstress
21 JANUARY 2-4pm Monthly Meeting speaker is Rosemary Griggs, Talking about her new book Devon Women
28 JANUARY 2-4pm Craft Group Craft & Conversation (bring your current project)
11 FEBRUARY 2-4pm Monthly Meeting NOTE CHANGE OF DATE Lily Style. She lives in South Brent as is a descendent of Admiral Nelson and Lady Hamilton. She will talk about her family tree.
25 FEBRUARY 2-4pm Craft Group Quilting with Annette
11th March Winter Coffee meet 2-4pm
18 MARCH 2-4pm Monthly Meeting Sheila Parker. Her talk is From Tiller Girl to Vernon Girl and has anecdotes about the stars she worked with like Cliff Richard.
25 MARCH 2-4pm Craft Group
8th April Winter Coffee meet 2-4pm
7th May Yealm Group Consultative Committee meeting 2pm
13th May Yealm Group Spring meeting 7pm Booking only
May 20th AGM Speaker Neil Hawkes
VISITS are listed in the diary
Contact Jackie Ross to book visits rossjacqueline906@gmail.com or 07918815914
Visits will resume in Spring 2025
​Our last visit was to Dartmoor Prison Museum in September with a Roast dinner or Fish & Chips at the Old Station Chip Shop .
Previous trips are written up and can be found here