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Craft Group Gallery

A brief description & photos of some of our craft sessions

Crafts 12.jpg
Crafts 7.jpeg
spinning gill.jpeg

Life on the Edge Projects

Jeanne Venning.jpg

Christmas Patchwork

Drop Spindle Spinning

Crafts 11.jpg

Patchwork Christmas tree

Crafts 5.jpeg

Crochet work

Crafts 10.JPG

Flower arranging

Parchment 2.jpeg

Parchment work

Parchment 1.jpeg

Parchment work



Angela 1.jpg
Rod 2.JPG
Angela 2.jpg
Rod 1.jpg

Sewing for the Sunshine Project (East Africa)

Rod 4.jpg

Ceramic painting

Rod 3.jpg

Fundraising in Noss for the RNLI

Tea break.jpeg

..... and the tea break

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