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Drama Group

Owing to the problems associated with Covid the Drama Group has not been in operation since 2019.  However it is to be hoped that we will once again be able to resume our activities at some point.


The main events in our calendar have been those long-established favourites - the WI Christmas Revues and the Cabaret.  These always involve a major effort starting shortly after the final curtain from the previous year.  They require writers, stage managers, scenery artists, costume designers, lighting, sound and video experts, musicians and front of house - not to mention the actors.  We are therefore always looking for fresh talent.  So why not come and join us?  You don't need to have any previous experience;  just hold a degree in enthusiasm!

Between productions we also find time for other activities such as the annual trip to Pentillie to see the Lord Chamberlain's Men in one of their Shakespearean productions and the occasional visit to the Theatre Royal in Plymouth.

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